Return of the Turtles

Baby they're back!
Today we are thrilled to announce we are re-launching our ‘Buy To Give’ pouch collaboration with the wonderful Kelly Eastwood @TheLondonChatter, the limited-edition ‘Watamu Turtle Pouch,' (£25.00).
There are only 200 available in this limited edition run, so be speedy!

Return of the Turtles
Kelly Eastwood

100% of the profit from these limited edition, intricately embroidered cotton, teal pouches go directly to the Local Ocean Conservation, a non profit organisation based in Kelly's home village of Watamu, back in Kenya.

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Return of the Turtles 3

Local Ocean are committed to the protection of critically endangered and threatened sea turtles and the preservation of Watamu’s spectacular Marine Park and Reserve. Having been lucky enough to help with several of their turtle releases, Kelly can tell you first hand, nothing brings more joy than watching these beautiful beings healthily return back into the wild. Shop our exciting collection of luxury homeware and gifting online at Elizabeth Scarlett!